Using Sensitivity Analysis to Interrogate Models

Will Usher, Environmental Change Institute, University of Oxford

8th December 2016

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    2. Then
      jupyter notebook

In [ ]:
from ipywidgets import widgets, interact
from IPython.display import display
%matplotlib inline
import seaborn as sbn
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from IPython.core.pylabtools import figsize
figsize(12, 10)
sbn.set_context("talk", font_scale=1)

# The model used for this seminar is contained in the file
from model import (cost_of_vehicle_to_grid, compute_profit, 
                   annualized_capital_cost, battery_lifetime, 

In [ ]:
# Uncomment the next line and run this cell to view the model code in this notebook
# %load

Uncertainty and Modelling

We use models to encode natural phenomena, to project and forecast, to understand, to learn.

Examples of models:

  • discounted cash flow analysis
  • Gina coefficient (statistical measure of inequality)
  • UKTM - energy system model of the United Kingdom
  • MetUM - UK weather forecasting

What is Sensitivity Analysis?

“...the study of how the uncertainty in the output of a mathematical model or system (numerical or otherwise) can be apportioned to different sources of uncertainty in its inputs.”

There are four settings for sensitivity analysis:

  • Factor prioritisation - which parameters are most influential?
  • Factor fixing - which parameters can we ignore?
  • Factor mapping - which inputs matter for just this space in the model output?
  • (Metamodelling) - which parameters can I use to model my model?

There are two families of approaches:

  • Local approaches
  • Global approaches

Local versus Global Approaches

  • Local approaches
    • e.g. one-at-a-time (OAT) approach
    • low data requirements
    • quick and easy to conduct
    • do not capture interactions between inputs
    • misleading for non-linear models
  • Global approaches
    • e.g. Sobol analysis
    • often need probabilistic data
    • computationally demanding
    • capture interactions between inputs
    • handle non-linear and non-additive models

Sensitivity Analysis Techniques

(adapted from Flechsig (2012), Saltelli(2008))

Type Morris Variance Factorial Monte Carlo Local SA
Model independent? yes yes yes yes yes
Sample source levels distributions levels distributions levels
No. factors $20-100^1$ $<20^1$ $>100^1$ $<20$ $<100$
Factor range global global global global local
Multi-factor variation yes yes yes yes no
Correlated factors? no no yes yes no
Cost (for k factors)? $10(k+1)$ $500(k+2)$ $k \to 2k$ $500+1$ $2(k+1)$
Estimated CPU time$^2$ 1 day 11 days 3 hours ~2 days 1 hour

[1] using groups of factors would enable larger numbers of factors to be explored [2] assuming 5 minutes per simulation and 30 groups of factors

Sensitivity Analysis is strongly linked to uncertainty.

When considering the range over which a mode input should be explored, you are actually considering the plausibility of this range.

Sensitivity Analysis makes you critically analyse your assumptions.

Global Sensitivity Analysis

Screening approaches, such as Fractional Factorial and Morris, rank inputs according to their influence upon the output.

Variance-based approaches, such as Saltelli and DMIM, score the sensitivity of each input with a numerical value, called the sensitivity index. Sensitivity indices come in several forms:

  • First-order indices: measures the contribution to the output variance by a single model input alone.
  • Second-order indices: measures the contribution to the output variance caused by the interaction of two model inputs.
  • Total-order index: measures the contribution to the output variance caused by a model input, including both its first-order effects (the input varying alone) and all higher-order interactions.

Sensitivity Analysis in Practice: Vehicle to Grid

Kempton (2005) raise the prospect of using battery electric vehicles (BEVs) as mobile storage devices for electricity. Other than pumped hydro, the electricity grid has virtually no storage devices. Electricity storage could facilitate the integration of variable output renewable technologies such as wind turbines and solar photovoltaics.

The concept of V2G is that the owners of electric (or even hydrogen fuel cell) vehicles could be paid by the System Operator (National Grid in the UK) for the use of their cars as giant batteries.

There are three services that Vehicle-to-Grid (V2G) could provide:

  • Regulation - helps keep the grid operating at 60 Hz by exporting energy during times of extra demand or importing during times of extra supply
  • Spinning Reserve - an always-available (but not necessarily generating) backup in case a power plant drops offline
  • Peak Power - exports electricity to the grid during times of peak demand (e.g. 5-7pm)

We'll just look at regulation services:

Service Revenue Cost
Regulation Energy Exported, Saving on Energy Imported Cost of Energy, Degradation of Battery
Spinning Reserve Capacity Available, Energy Exported Cost of Energy, Degradation of Battery
Peak Power Capacity Available, Energy Exported Cost of Energy, Degradation of Battery

Tesla Model S

Parameter Min Max
Battery Size 70 kWh 85 kWh
Charge Connectors 230V 10 Amp (2.3 kW) 400V 32 Amp (22 kW)
Stated efficiency ~ 5.5 km/kWh

Nissan Leaf

Parameter Min Max
Battery Size 24 kWh 30 kWh
Charge Connectors 2.3 kW 6.6 kW
Stated efficiency ~5.5 km/kWh

One-at-time approach

First, we're going to try the one-at-a-time (OAT) approach.

Find the sliders in the example which are set up for the parameters of the Nissan Leaf.

In [ ]:
@interact(connector=widgets.FloatSlider(value=2.3, min=2.3, max=22, step=0.5), 
          battery_size=widgets.FloatSlider(value=24, min=10, max=100, step=5), 
          distance_driven=widgets.FloatSlider(value=0, min=0, max=100, step=5), 
          range_buffer=widgets.FloatSlider(value=0, min=0, max=100, step=10),
          dispatch_time=widgets.FloatSlider(value=1.4, min=0.5, max=24, step=0.5))
def plot_power(connector: float, battery_size: float, distance_driven: float, 
               range_buffer: float, dispatch_time: float) -> float :
    power = max_vehicle_power(connector,
    return print("The maximum power is {} kW".format(round(power, 2)))

In [ ]:
def monte_carlo_large(data):
    dispatch_time = 4
    y = max_vehicle_power(data[0], data[1], data[2], data[3], data[6], data[4], data[5])
    return y

Scatter plots

Scatter plots can tell you quite a lot about the relationship between the model inputs and outputs.

Each of the scatter plots shows all the model outputs on the y-axis, but re-ordered by the relationship to the input variable (on the x-axis).

In [ ]:
number_sims = 1000

# Make some random data in the correct ranges
mc_connector = np.random.uniform(2.3, 22, number_sims)
mc_battery_size = np.random.uniform(50, 100, number_sims)
mc_distance_driven = np.random.uniform(0, 80, number_sims)
mc_range_buffer = np.random.uniform(0, 80, number_sims)
mc_driving_eff = np.random.uniform(2, 6, number_sims)
mc_inv_eff = np.random.uniform(0.87, 0.97, number_sims)
mc_dispatch_time = np.random.uniform(0.5, 24, number_sims)

data = np.array((mc_connector, 

# Run the code
y = monte_carlo_large(data)

In [ ]:
# Make some scatter plots to compare the results
plt.scatter(mc_connector, y)
plt.title("Connector size (kW)")
plt.ylabel("Max Power (kW)")
plt.scatter(mc_battery_size, y)
plt.title("Battery Size (kWh)")
# plt.ylabel("Max Power (kW)")
plt.scatter(mc_distance_driven, y)
plt.title("Distance Driven (km)")
# plt.ylabel("Max Power (kW)")
plt.scatter(mc_range_buffer, y)
plt.title("Range Buffer (km)")
# plt.ylabel("Max Power (kW)")
plt.scatter(mc_driving_eff, y)
plt.title("Driving Eff (kWh/km)")
plt.ylabel("Max Power (kW)")
plt.scatter(mc_inv_eff, y)
plt.title("Inverter Eff (%)")
# plt.ylabel("Max Power (kW)")
plt.scatter(mc_dispatch_time, y)
plt.title("Dispatch Time (hours)")
# plt.ylabel("Max Power (kW)")
# plt.savefig('scatter.png')

You might be tempted to plot a histogram of the model outputs. This shows how often a particular value occurs in the results, but given that we are only exploring the model variable ranges, don't read too much into this distribution.

In [ ]:
plt.xlabel("Power (kW)")

Using SALib to run a Sensitivity Analysis

SALib is a free open-source Python library

If you use Python, you can install it by running the command

pip install SALib

Documentation is available online and you can also view the code on Github.

The library includes:

Import the package

In [ ]:
from SALib.sample import morris as ms
from SALib.analyze import morris as ma
from SALib.plotting import morris as mp

Define a problem file

In the code below, a problem file is used to define the variables we wish to explore

In [ ]:
morris_problem = {
    # There are six variables
    'num_vars': 7,
    # These are their names
    'names': ['conn', 'batt', 'dist', 'range', 
              'dri_eff', 'inv_eff', 'dispatch_time'],
    # Plausible ranges over which we'll move the variables
    'bounds': [[2.3, 22], # connection_power (kW)
               [50, 100], # battery size (kWh)
               [0, 80], # distance driven (km)
               [0, 80], # range buffer (km)
               [4,5.5], # driving efficiency (kWh/km)
               [0.87,0.97], # inverter efficienct (%)
               [0.5, 24] # dispatch time - hours of the day in which 
                         # the energy is dispatched
    # I don't want to group any of these variables together
    'groups': None

Generate a Sample

We then generate a sample using the morris.sample() procedure from the SALib package.

In [ ]:
number_of_trajectories = 1000
sample = ms.sample(morris_problem, number_of_trajectories, num_levels=4, grid_jump=2)

Factor Prioritisation

We'll run a sensitivity analysis of the power module to see which is the most influential parameter.

The results parameters are called mu, sigma and mu_star.

  • Mu is the mean effect caused by the input parameter being moved over its range.
  • Sigma is the standard deviation of the mean effect.
  • Mu_star is the mean absolute effect.

In [ ]:
# Run the sample through the monte carlo procedure of the power model
output = monte_carlo_large(sample.T)
# Store the results for plotting of the analysis
Si = ma.analyze(morris_problem, sample, output, print_to_console=False)
print("{:20s} {:>7s} {:>7s} {:>7s}".format("Name", "mu", "mu_star", "sigma"))
for name, s1, st, mean in zip(morris_problem['names'], 
    print("{:20s} {:=7.2f} {:=7.2f} {:=7.2f}".format(name, s1, st, mean))

We can plot the results

In [ ]:
fig, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(1,2)
mp.horizontal_bar_plot(ax1, Si, {})
mp.covariance_plot(ax2, Si, {})

A More Complicated Example

Lets look at a more complicated example. This now integrates the previous power module into a simple cost-benefit analysis.

Trying to work out anything with all those sliders is pretty difficult. We need to strip out the uneccesssary parameters and focus our efforts on the influential inputs.

In [ ]:
@interact(battery_size=widgets.FloatSlider(value=24, min=10, max=100, step=5), 
          battery_unit_cost=widgets.FloatSlider(value=350, min=100, max=400, step=50),
          connector_power=widgets.FloatSlider(value=2.3, min=2.3, max=22, step=0.5), 
          lifetime_cycles=widgets.FloatSlider(value=2000, min=1000, max=10000, step=1000),
          depth_of_discharge=widgets.FloatSlider(value=0.8, min=0.5, max=1.0, step=0.1),
          electricity_price=widgets.FloatSlider(value=0.1, min=0.01, max=0.5, step=0.01),
          purchased_energy_cost=widgets.FloatSlider(value=0.1, min=0.01, max=0.5, step=0.01),
          capacity_price=widgets.FloatSlider(value=0.007, min=0.001, max=0.01, step=0.001),
          round_trip_efficiency=widgets.FloatSlider(value=0.73, min=0.50, max=1.0, step=0.01),
          cost_of_v2g_equip=widgets.FloatSlider(value=2000, min=100, max=5000, step=100),
          discount_rate=widgets.FloatSlider(value=0.10, min=0.0, max=0.2, step=0.01),
          economic_lifetime=widgets.FloatSlider(value=10, min=3, max=25, step=1),
          ratio_dispatch_to_contract=widgets.FloatSlider(value=0.10, min=0.01, max=0.50, step=0.01),
          distance_driven=widgets.FloatSlider(value=0, min=0, max=100, step=5), 
          range_buffer=widgets.FloatSlider(value=0, min=0, max=100, step=10),
          hours_connected_per_day=widgets.FloatSlider(value=18, min=0.5, max=24, step=0.5))
def plot_profit(battery_size,
    profit, revenue, cost = compute_profit(battery_size,
    return print("Profit £{} = £{} - £{}".format(np.round(profit,2), np.round(revenue, 2), np.round(cost,2) ))

Factor Fixing

We'll perform a factor fixing sensitivity analysis using a different method - that of Sobol.

In [ ]:
from SALib.sample.saltelli import sample as ss
from SALib.analyze.sobol import analyze as sa

problem = {
    # There are sixteen variables
    'num_vars': 16,
    # These are their names
    'names': ['battery_size',
    # These are their plausible ranges over which we'll move the variables
    'bounds': [       
                [10, 100],
                [100, 400],
                [2.3, 22],
                [1000, 10000],
                [0.5, 1.0],
                [0.01, 0.2], 
                [0.01, 0.2],
                [0.001, 0.01], 
                [0.65, 1.0],
                [100, 5000],
                [0.0, 0.2], 
                [3, 25],
                [0, 100], 
                [0, 100], 
                [0.01, 0.50],
                [0.5, 24],
    # I don't want to group any of these variables together
    'groups': None

In [ ]:
sample = ss(problem, 1000, calc_second_order=False)
profit, revenue, cost = compute_profit(sample[:, 0], sample[:, 1], sample[:, 2], 
                                       sample[:, 3], sample[:, 4], sample[:, 5], 
                                       sample[:, 6], sample[:, 7], sample[:, 8], 
                                       sample[:, 9], sample[:, 10], sample[:, 11], 
                                       sample[:, 12], sample[:, 13], sample[:, 14], 
                                       sample[:, 15])
SI = sa(problem, profit, calc_second_order=False, print_to_console=False)
print("{:28s} {:>5s} {:>5s} {:>12s}".format("Name", "1st", "Total", "Mean of Input"))
for name, s1, st, mean in zip(problem['names'], SI['S1'], SI['ST'], sample.mean(axis=0)):
    print("{:28s} {:=5.2f} {:=5.2f} ({:=12.2f})".format(name, s1, st, mean))

The results should look something like this:

Name 1st Total Mean of Input
battery_size -0.01 0.25 55.00
battery_unit_cost 0.01 0.03 250.10
connector_power 0.01 0.04 12.14
lifetime_cycles 0.05 0.09 5501.03
depth_of_discharge 0.00 0.03 0.75
electricity_price 0.01 0.06 0.10
purchased_energy_cost 0.02 0.13 0.10
capacity_price 0.01 0.03 0.01
round_trip_efficiency 0.00 0.01 0.82
cost_of_v2g_equip 0.27 0.34 2549.62
discount_rate 0.05 0.08 0.10
economic_lifetime 0.13 0.16 14.00
distance_driven -0.00 0.03 49.96
range_buffer -0.01 0.03 50.01
ratio_dispatch_to_contract 0.07 0.27 0.26
hours_connected_per_day -0.01 0.06 12.26

The results show that the most important parameters are:

  • Capital cost of the V2G equipment
  • Ratio of dispatch to contract
  • Battery size
  • Economic lifetime
  • Purchased energy cost

Other comments:

  • Lifetime cycles has a reasonably important first order effect so we can include that too.
  • Battery size has much more important interaction effects than first-order effects
  • Same for Purchased_energy_cost

We can now fix the other parameters and revisit our slider model to perform some analysis.

In [ ]:
@interact(battery_size=widgets.FloatSlider(value=70, min=10, max=100, step=5), 
          purchased_energy_cost=widgets.FloatSlider(value=0.1, min=0.01, max=0.5, step=0.01),
          cost_of_v2g_equip=widgets.FloatSlider(value=2000, min=100, max=5000, step=100),
          economic_lifetime=widgets.FloatSlider(value=10, min=3, max=25, step=1),
          ratio_dispatch_to_contract=widgets.FloatSlider(value=0.10, min=0.01, max=0.50, step=0.01),
         lifetime_cycles=widgets.FloatSlider(value=2000, min=1000, max=10000, step=500))
def plot_profit(battery_size,
    profit, revenue, cost = compute_profit(lifetime_cycles=lifetime_cycles,
    return print("Profit £{} = £{} - £{}".format(np.round(profit,2), 
                                                 np.round(revenue, 2), 
                                                 np.round(cost,2) ))


Sensitivity analysis helps you:

  • Think through your assumptions
  • Quantify uncertainty
  • Focus on the most influential uncertainties first

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